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Back in 2015 I had an idea for a personal project that I'd wanted to do for a while, and finally got round to starting it.

The original idea was that I wanted to work on creating headshots of people I know, whether that be friends, family, photographers, musicians, performers, or anyone else. The setup would be simple, rather than carrying around a lot of gear, which I have done in the past, and my aim was to use as little of their time as possible, with them not having to travel far.

I wanted to do it so I photograph the people close to where they are rather than going somewhere to take photos. Part of the project was to get to whoever I'm shooting with and do something locally in the surrounding areas, wherever that is. It could be that they are near their home, or they have a spare half hour but they are somewhere else, in which case we would find something around wherever they are.

Part of my aim for this project is to not really interfere in getting people to dress/look a certain way and for people to just look a way that they are comfortable with and I'll work with it.

The idea has always been to have two headshots from each shoot, one colour and one black and white.

I worked with 16 people on the project around 2015 to 2016, and while my aim was to work with 25 people, to have 50 images, my mind sort of trailed off from this project and I moved onto other things.

With the Covid pandemic in 2020, the whole of the UK was locked down for a while and I hadn’t used my camera for over a month. We were finally allowed to meet up with one person from outside our household and as the main aims of the project are to work outside, not travel too far, keep the shoot pretty short and using minimal equipment I thought it was the perfect time to bring this project back.

I still hope to work with many more people on this project, and if you would like to be involved then please get in contact and we can discuss things. Even if you only have a spare 15 minutes, I’m sure we can work something out.